Hello, world!

My name is Ken, and I make zines.

You can get free samples for some by clicking on the menu at the bottom of the page. You can also buy them on Etsy or Gumroad in a digital format.

Here's what's on offer:


My personal zine (sometimes called a perzine). When I showed an early draft of the first copy to a friend of mine, he said "so this is all about nostalgia, huh?". Which it kind of is—I do write a lot about being a kid in the 1970s and 80s. But it is also becoming a whole lot more.

the codex

A zine about Linux and LaTeX. (In fact, the only reason I started this zine was to learn how to use LaTeX.) This is actually my best-selling zine! Two issues are currently available.

Do It in the Terminal

A guide to the command line in Linux. This one is mostly handwritten and in color. Issue #1 is available now, and I'm currently at work on the second one.

Field Notes

Just notes I take as I walk around listening to podcasts. Available as a free download, or for a donation.

Other Stuff

Sometimes I also do zines that are only released digitally. You can find them on my Etsy or Gumroad pages.

Want to know when I release a new zine? Sign up for my mailing list! It's only the occasional message, and I promise absolutely no spam.

Cool video about one of my favorite tv shows from childhood:

(The video about The Neverending Story is here.)